
The Love Languages – How Do You Feel When Your Partner Says “I Love You”?

Love is a broad spectrum of feelings, from the purest spiritual virtue or perfect virtue, to the most innocent, playful enjoyment, and even the lowest sexual thrill. Love is one of the greatest human needs, but it is also one of the most misunderstood. One reason for this is that love is often associated with sex. While love is a great motivator, sex is not an essential component of a relationship; therefore, many misunderstand love as a form of sexual activity.

Love relationships fall into three basic forms: romantic love, caring love, and friendship love. Romantic love involves strong, immediate and frequent expression of affection, typically reciprocated at a very high level of detail. Careful love is more enduring and compassionate than romantic love, but also involves expressing affection more selectively, in more subtle ways. Friendship love exists between two people in varying degrees of intimacy, yet is usually expressed more through shared physical contact than emotional affection. In all three types, you are what you feel your most beautiful in.

Asking yourself, how do you feel when you meet a new person that makes you feel attracted to them, you might be thinking about how you would love to get lost in their company for a few days, drifting away from everything and everyone just to be with them and feel the ultimate joy of being with you. The most important part of developing a deep affection for someone is to realize how special they are to you, and how much you need them in your life. This is the basis for building a relationship based on love.

The next question you should ask yourself, how do you feel when you hear the name of a person? It may be your favorite book’s title, or it may be their middle name. It may be the first name of a person that you met on the subway the day you met. These are all forms of receiving love from others and communicating the love languages that come to life in the presence of other human beings.

When we receive the love we begin to have the ability to speak the love language. All we need to do is speak the words, and the receiving begins immediately. We feel the joy of receiving gifts, touching others, getting massages and having physical touch from others, feeling the emotions of others, and even the joy of humor. Once you understand the love languages by heart, you will realize the magic that is happening to you as you connect to and practice the art of love communication.

When you receive physical contact from another human being, you immediately have the opportunity to practice the physical touch languages. You can communicate with the receiver by touching, hugging, snuggling, kissing, and touching them in ways that are safe, warm, nurturing, playful and passionate. You can tell them how you love them without saying it verbally. You can hear their responses and their expressions. You can hear the love languages they use when they are having a good time. Touch is the best way to communicate the love languages to others and once you touch others you will begin to experience the love that others feel when you are present in their lives.