Water is the most abundant substance in the Solar System. While large bodies of water are found throughout the solar system, only the Earth contains liquid surface water. While large amounts of water are found all over the Solar System, the ocean covers 71% of Earth’s land. In fact, the oceans dwarf the planet’s polar ice, lakes and rivers. It is no wonder then, that there is life on Earth. But how does water get here?


The Earth is made up of layers, each one playing a crucial role in sustaining life. The mantle is the thick layer of rock under the crust. It flows as slowly as a fingernail grows. The outer core is a liquid layer of iron and nickel that moves around the inner core. It is hotter than the surface of the Sun, and is the main source of the Earth’s magnetic field. The different layers work in a complex system, and each one plays an important role.

The Earth is divided into four major layers. The outer core is a solid ball of iron and nickel that sits 30 kilometers below the surface. These two layers are connected by a fluid and are hotter than the surface of the Sun. These layers work together to support and move the planet’s crust. While the outer core and inner core have different roles, they all affect life on the Earth. The heat from the inner core causes the mantle to vibrate. This movement is what causes earthquakes and other natural disasters.

The mantle is the thick layer of rock beneath the crust and flows as slowly as a fingernail. The outer core is a liquid layer of iron and nickel that orbits the inner core. This motion is what makes the Earth act like a giant magnet. Finally, the inner core is a solid ball of iron and nickel that is hotter than the surface of the Sun. These layers are very complex and interdependent, and each has an important role in our planet’s structure.

The layers of the Earth are very diverse. The mantle is a thick layer of rock that flows almost as slowly as a fingernail grows. The outer core is a liquid layer of iron and nickel that orbits the inner core. The inner core is a solid ball of iron and nickel that is hotter than the surface of the Sun. The different layers work together as a system to sustain life. The different layers play important roles in the ecosystem of Earth.

Humans have explored the entire planet and its surrounding regions. While we cannot see everything on Earth, we can learn about its composition and its history. The planet is a spherical object with three concentric layers: the surface, the oceans, and the atmosphere. Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth; the deepest part is called the Challenger Deep. Death Valley is the hottest part of the planet, while the highest temperatures are found in the core of the earth.