A virus is a miniature infectious agent that copies itself within the living cells of a living organism. The copies of the virus are often very short, like a DNA file within an archiving system’s data base. In order for a virus to replicate, it must be able to gain access to some kind of ‘entrance’ into the cell’s cytoplasm. Viruses typically latch on to a host by means of a protein or lipopeptide that compliments their replication process. Infectious agents also invade a host by means of a cut or break in the outer membrane.
When a virus enters a host cell, it can duplicate itself hundreds of times within the same cell. There are several different kinds of viruses that do this. Some viruses insert themselves directly into the host cell without needing to make any type of entrance. The name virus comes from the Greek word virusus, which means “a joining” or “attaching”. In other words, a virus becomes a part of its host cell without any sort of assistance.
Some viruses have the ability to alter the genetic makeup of a host cell. This ability allows the viruses to evade the immune system before they are able to complete their replication cycle. Viruses such as the SARS virus, the West Nile virus, and a variety of bird flu viruses are examples of viruses that have developed immunity to various common childhood immunizations. While these viruses certainly cannot hurt you (unlike most bacterial or viral infections), there is an extremely high possibility that receiving one of these common vaccines could result in some form of illness as a result of receiving the vaccination.
Another type of virus that is quite hard to detect is rna. These and viruses resemble many common strains of bacteria. They are also capable of reproducing with a remarkable degree of efficiency. It is not entirely uncommon for people to develop an acute allergy to rna bacteria after they have been vaccinated with a vaccine meant to protect them from swine flu. This allergy can manifest itself as anything from runny nose, wheezing, coughing, sneezing to difficulty breathing.
Social Distancing – It is important to note that the symptoms of a virus are often similar to those of bacteria. This is especially true in the case of rna. When a person has been exposed to a virus through contaminated hands often times the person will have a high fever, shaking or other signs of illness. This is often times associated with a loss of appetite. Those who suffer from these types of symptoms are advised to isolate themselves from others until the onset of these symptoms subside.
Viral Agents – Viruses are generally either transmitted or invades a host cell through some method known as viral entry or viral envelopment. In order for a virus to enter a cell it must be able to affect the membrane of the target cell. Some viruses only affect specific cells or organs and do not affect other cells at all. Examples of viruses that do not affect other cells are the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and the herpes simplex virus (HSV). This last virus is the one that causes cold sores.