Although water can be found throughout our Solar System, the Earth is the only object known to harbor life. Its oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface. In fact, the ocean dwarfs Earth’s rivers, lakes, and polar ice. In fact, the water that covers our planet is so large that the size of the Earth is comparable to the surface area of Mars. For this reason, the ocean has the potential to sustain life and lead to many other beneficial outcomes.
Our solar system began over 4.5 billion years ago. In the first billion years, Earth was covered with water, and life spread rapidly across the planet. Two billion years ago, life spread to the Earth’s surface and atmosphere, and humans were born about 300,000 years ago. Since humans depend on the Earth’s biosphere for their existence, we have dramatically increased our impact on the planet’s environment. We can no longer afford to continue using the Earth the way we used to.
Scientists have a detailed understanding of the Earth’s structure and composition, thanks to modern instrumentation. This knowledge gives us a deeper insight into the cooling mechanisms and internal structure of the planet. Scientists have also discovered the presence of a liquid layer of iron and nickel that rotates around the solid inner core. These three layers make up a complex system that is responsible for the shape of Earth. Every layer plays a vital role. Several scientists have published books and articles about the different elements in Earth’s interior.
From a distant planet, Earth would appear bluish and bright. The most obvious features of the atmosphere would be the swirling white clouds, and Earth’s polar regions would be brilliant white. The dark blue-black oceans would also be difficult to see, thanks to the cloud cover. And Earth’s green landscapes would be difficult to see from space. And since there are no other planets in our solar system that contain life, Earth is the only place in the universe that can sustain life.
The Earth’s surface is shaped by tectonic processes called subduction and faulting. Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth, soars 8,850 kilometers in Asia. This process also makes the equator pudgier than the poles. Subduction also makes the Mariana Trench, which is 11 kilometers below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, possible. And it’s not only mountains and oceans that create irregular shapes on Earth’s surface.
The ancient Greeks noticed that the Earth was shaped like a crescent. This shape is a good indicator that Earth is curved. Therefore, Eratosthenes came up with an experiment to estimate Earth’s circumference. Eratosthenes heard about a well in Syene and decided to test his theory. And he found the answer. It was the summer solstice, or the 21st of June.