
How Is the Earth Being polluted?

If you are new to astrology, you would have learned that earth is one of the planets in our solar system and considered to be a planet in itself. We know earth is round, which according to standard definition is a plane of earth with no edge or protuberance. In addition, earth has no atmosphere because the solar system containing it is very similar to our own, but devoid of any gases or other foreign matter. Thus, earth does not rotate.

Earth revolves around the Sun and is tidally defined as a sphere with an elliptical orbit. Because it spins off from the Sun, we know earth is tidally defined; it is elliptical not radial, which means it revolves around itself. Thus, earth rotates on its axis about its axis of rotation. Earth is the only celestial object known to harbor and support living beings and Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has an atmosphere. About 29.2% of the earth’s surface is water consisting mainly of oceans, seas, lakes and rivers.

The composition of the earth’s crust is roughly molten rock, dust and frozen crust (forming a continent) primarily. The equator is a plane of earth where molten rock and dust meet and, to keep it molten, earth cools, and it turns into a day-time sky (the visible ozone layer) by night. Because of the tilt and orbit of the planet, the equator is tilted slightly off its plane from the solar system which means that, whereas other planets do not allow their satellites to be so close together, earth allows them to lock in position through gravity. People live on the earth through climate (the temperature of the environment) and seasonal climates (the seasons). There is also air trapped in between the plates of the earth, the layers of which are extremely hot, cold and humid (humans).

To survive, the human species have developed complex systems to extract oxygen from the air to breathe. To do this, they need air to exchange their carbon dioxide with, and use up available oxygen in the process. Oxygen is necessary for a living being to stay alive. Since oxygen is removed from the earth system through various processes such as respiration (breathing in oxygen) and photosynthesis (reproducing food from plants), the amount of oxygen in the soil, water and air is limited and is thus depleted, leading to a major imbalance in the ecosystems.

The other two layers of earth, the atmosphere and the ground, provide the basic conditions needed for the survival of all living organisms. Because the earth orbit is tilted off its plane from the sun, day and night bring cold and dampness respectively to earth, and the extreme heat of the sun’s rays are also capable of killing plant and animal life forms. Ozone (O3) is a crucial element in breathing. Since the sun does not heat the earth, organisms living in the earth’s soil must absorb and release oxygen through respiration and photosynthesis, both of which take place at the base of the earth’s crust. Any disruption in the delicate balance of these processes could seriously impact the planet’s ecosystem.

One example of how the earth’s environment is being adversely affected is its inability to retain moisture, which is what makes the planet a humid planet. Because of the tilt of the earth’s axis, the warm Equator moves across the globe from summer to winter. Because of this, the north and south poles experience cold and dampness respectively, which are conducive to plant and animal life forms that thrive in lower latitudes, while the equator and tropical zones are too warm for plant life to endure. Global warming and climate change are another example of how the earth is being adversely affected by external forces.