
The Five Love Languages

One of the most common expressions of love is “I love you.” It is a universal, non-judgmental, and unconditional expression of love. Love encompasses a wide range of positive and negative emotional states, from the sublime emotional state, the purest emotional feeling, to the most mundane pleasure. Regardless of the emotion, love is universally accepted as the best experience and the result of human interaction. “I love you” is one of the first phrases taught in kindergarten. Although this has become a familiar phrase to many people, there are some children who are still learning “I love you.”

There are many different types of love: physical, emotional, parental, friendship, romance, commitment, etc. Children learn all of these different types of love through a variety of different models and experiences. However, they begin with love from their parents. Children learn how love makes them feel good and how love can provide security and safety. Parents, through their love and intimacy with their children, help shape their feelings for one another.

During their early years, children have strong desires to connect with their parent and feel loved. Parents teach children how to express affection through words or actions and how to form an intimate bond that includes sharing physical closeness and affection. When children experience a love early on in their development, they tend to form stronger and more lasting relationships than they would otherwise. They are able to create a connection that lasts, rather than forming a casual bond that fades after a period of time.

The earliest feelings of love that most children experience are usually based on physical attractions. Parents often teach their children to be attracted to their partner. This physical attraction is often accompanied by intense feelings of love. These feelings often stem from physical attraction or sexual attraction and may not involve emotions. When these intense feelings of love are combined with the desire to be “taken care” of, it creates the basis for a new relationship.

Parents also help to create the new relationship by sharing their intimate emotions, such as their love and affection for their partner, during interactions with their child. When children feel loved, it is much easier for them to trust their parent and open up to them in hopes of receiving gifts or being invited into special activities. When children receive gifts from their parents, they feel special and when they’re invited to special events, they feel excited. This excitement may eventually transform into a desire to be more like their parents.

Adults may experience romantic love when they are involved with another person who shares similar passions and interests as they do. While adults and children share strong emotional connections, these intense emotions are not typically found in a physical relationship. When adults commit to a romantic relationship with another person, they are often aware of how their actions affect their partner’s feelings and how their actions shape their relationship with that person. When these same adults are in a non-romantic relationship, they may not be aware of how their actions, especially in a work environment, could negatively affect the other person and their relationship.