Earth is the only outer solar system object known so far to host and support life. About 29.5% of Earth’s surface is terrestrial land including oceans and continents. Other surfaces of Earth include outer space, the inner Oceans, and mineral strata. The Earth obtains most of its heat from radioactive decay of radioactive elements. Much of Earth’s total energy comes from radioactive decay of minerals, which are found in rocks, fossilized coral reefs, and in space around the Earth.

Many scientists believe that life on earth began with the development of planets within the solar system family. These first planets were made out of debris (gas) and were not very earth-like as we know it today. Over time, various life forms, including fish, metalloids, and vegetation began to take root. Over time, the Earth became a habitable planet where plants and animals could live and develop. The development of life on earth would be helped by the planet’s magnetic field, which provides the atmosphere necessary for plant growth. The poles are generally cold and do not provide the type of environment that is best for plant development.

A new study suggests that there may be several previously undiscovered planets beyond earth’s orbit that may also hold oceans and suitable terrestrial surface conditions. Evidence has been mounting for years that there are several large objects at the far edges of our solar system that are waiting to be explored. One such objects could be an old planet like the earth-moon, or another dwarf planet which is not considered a planet but a dwarf satellite of earth. Another idea is that earth is full of oceans of liquid ocean kept within the planet’s gravitational pull. Evidence shows that there is a large solid nucleus in the north and south poles of earth that acts as a solid barrier to ocean waves in the oceans and may be responsible for the fact that some beaches are rocky while others have soft sand.

There are a number of theories about how life began on earth. Some suggest that life began with the Sun, as solar radiation bombarded the earth, causing chemical reactions that created the first living organisms. Evidence shows that the chemical reactions that created the first life happened at the same time as the planet was becoming increasingly populated, and the evidence points to comets as having caused the bombardment.

Scientists believe that comets may be the cause of the tilt of the earth’s orbit. If a planet was once closer to the Sun than it is today, it would have entered into a very close orbit around the star, which would have caused an increase in solar radiation. Because of this, the earth became very hot and dry and even tilted into the plane of the solar system. Evidence indicates that water got onto the surface of the planet through volcanic eruptions, which is what happened to the dinosaurs.

Tides are thought to affect ocean currents as well as global temperature. If the tilt of the earth’s orbit was more like that of the wobble on a weather vane, it would cause the oceans to heat up, and the resulting ocean currents would cool off the earth. Evidence from other planets supports this theory. There is no evidence that the wobble in the earth’s orbit caused any global catastrophic weather event, and there are many scientific theories that point to other causes. It is believed however that the tilt of the earth’s axis could impact how continents distribute heat, resulting in poles that are either warm or cold.