The Earth is a living planet in many ways. It is a world where we grow, breathe, work, sleep, and love. While it is very important that we protect the Earth, we also realize that it is part of who we are. As such, we have many options for how to care for the Earth. Some of the options are long term, while others are short term and do not involve actually “taking care” of the Earth. What exactly is needed and what are some of the options?


The Earth rotates around the center of the planet. Because the earth orbit round the axis of rotation, the planet moves at a different speed from the sun every day. When the planet is closest to the Sun (at about 365.6 days), the temperature of the Earth increases slightly due to the presence of liquid water oceans and atmosphere. This liquid water helps to lubricate the planet. The planet continually moves around the Sun however, and at a faster pace then the liquid water, thus the planet moves faster.

Due to the planet motion around the Sun, the earth takes the tilt of the axis with it. This results in the planet’s poles moving north and south poles. These poles are also called “orientations of the ecliptic plane”, while the equator is an angle of latitude. The inner part of the earth called the “oatheater” experiences colder temperatures around the center while warmer areas are equatorial. The equator is named such because it is placed close to the Sun with the shortest path between poles, therefore it receives the most sunlight.

While the planet rotates, the solar system continues to operate through a complex series of satellites and our planet earth. Several hundred thousand years ago, the planets were created and then became separate entities from one another. One instance of this is that comets and dwarf planets were lumped together in our solar system. One example of this is that, although they appear to be tiny, they are actually bigger than Jupiter or Saturn. Another example is that, although it is very hot, Jupiter is actually much closer to the Sun than Saturn is.

When we consider the earth’s history, we will see that it was created and began to orbit the Sun in a very slow orbit of about seven and a half days. Its orbit is about four hundred million miles away. This is much closer to the Sun than the Moon, which is only about twenty-five million miles away. From this, we can conclude that the earth formed far earlier in the history of our solar system than is currently believed by scientists. It would take about a billion years for this to occur. This means that the earth could have been created just as we know it today, around half a billion years ago.

The Earth obtains all of its oxygen from within, and no gas is produced by the earth. In fact, only water vapor and carbon dioxide move around the earth. This means that if the earth were to lose one of these gases, and the planet’s interior would still maintain the necessary temperatures, there would be nothing for the earth to breathe, and oxygen would not be produced. Therefore, the planet earth is very inhospitable to life and has very little variety for plants and animals. There has to be some kind of a catalyst for the earth to move around, and this is what is commonly referred to as an “orbit”.